Kade, Jesalee, Jade, Ty, and Zoe

Kade, Jesalee, Jade, Ty, and Zoe

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A little bit of this, and a little bit of that!

Tried to get a group shot before church on Sunday.

Sarah came over last Friday, and we tried to get Zoe and Halle to play together. You can tell how well it went. Just kidding they usually get along, and that is why I had to take this picture because it is not like them to cry.
Kade was wrestling the kids and Ty was blowing on Kade's stomach, so Zoe walked over to him and copied Ty. It was really cute.
This is why (amongst many other reasons) I don't like to deep clean. I was cleaning in the bathroom for 1/2 an hour, and when I came out this is what the kids had done. Jade was making dog food and feeding it to her puppy (Ty). It really wasn't that bad to clean but she had used a whole container of Zoe's snacks. And yes they are still in their pajamas in the middle of the day.
My mom came up for Zoe's birthday after her trip to Hawaii.
She brought the kids back some necklaces, and...
a hula outfit! Jade said she had to take her clothes off because that is how the hula girl looked in the picture. She handed me the top and said, "mom, help me put on my boobs."

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