Kade, Jesalee, Jade, Ty, and Zoe

Kade, Jesalee, Jade, Ty, and Zoe

Monday, February 28, 2011

Kids Pics

Took the kids to get their photos taken since Zoe is a year old. I think they turned out pretty cute! I was only planning on taking Zoe's pictures but at the last minute I figured I had the kids there so I might as well get them too. The bad part was I didn't do Jade's hair or pick cute clothes. Oh well.


  1. Those are soo stinkin' cute! I love the little model. I can't believe how big Zoe is. What good lookin' kids.

  2. cute, i love the last picture the best. Your kids are all so blond and cute!!!

  3. Love Zoe's little sprout of a ponytail!!

  4. Who needs good hair or great clothes to be cute? Just those over 40. The pics are great and so are the kids. Grandma Donna

  5. Love the pictures Jess. Your kids are darling.
