Kade, Jesalee, Jade, Ty, and Zoe

Kade, Jesalee, Jade, Ty, and Zoe

Friday, April 30, 2010

So sweet when they sleep!

Even though she is in 3 different outfits...these were all taken the same day.
Don't you just love all those blow-outs? How did they do cloth diapers?

I even caught Putty and Ty taking a nap together.


  1. She is getting so big!! and I love the picture of Ty and Putty way adorable.

  2. So cute! They are so precious when they sleep...

  3. Laundry....but she is very cute in all three outfits.

  4. Love the pictures. Zoe is sooooo cute. Miss that age minus the blowouts. Tell Jade she is as cute as ever and Ty that he is a charmer.

  5. How in the world did you get them to sleep that much? Really, I live next to you and I never see them asleep!
